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Doctors Heal, but Hospital Security Protects

It is pertinent for hospitals to develop a broad hospital security program to maintain and support physical protection for staff, patients, and visitors. When developing a security program, hospitals need to take into account the safety of people admitted in their facility, the doctors and nurses that work there, and the friends and family of the patient.

What Should Their Program Include?

In the developmental stage of the hospital security program, things to consider include security procedures, policies, and protocols. If security measures are in place, hospitals need to reevaluate them to make sure that the plans are rock-solid.

The Importance of having Hospital Security

The need for hospital security in hospitals has become increasingly important in the past few years. Over the years, hospitals have come across an array of challenges ranging from violence to violent outbursts from patients and visitors. In order to subdue the situation, the assistance of security guards is required, especially in the emergency room.

Amongst all the locations in the hospital, the emergency room poses the most threat to hospital staff, patients, and visitors. To add to the tension between people and hospital staff is the language barriers, over crowdedness, and the rise in domestic violence in the country. You can never anticipate when a visitor or patient will lose their composure and begin to lash out.

Therefore, security guards need to be on standby when emotions of people get the best of them and they start yelling and making threats. With a security guard present, he or she will handle the situation expertly, keeping everyone out of harm’s way. They will guard and protect the building, hospital staff, patients, and the hospital’s equipment, preventing it from being stolen or damaged.

While a doctor heals the patient from an ailment, the security guard protects them.